“The nonprofit sector is critical to our dream of changing the world. Yet there is no greater injustice than the double standard that exists between the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. One gets to feast on marketing, risk-taking, capital and financial incentive, the other is sentenced to begging”
Join us July 14th at 6:00 pm at the Center for the Arts for a presentation by well-known speaker, author, and philanthropist, Dan Pallotta. As the Founder and Chief Humanity Officer of Advertising for Humanity, Dan challenges the way society thinks about charity, giving, and the non-profit sector. Dan’s TED talk is one of the top 100 most viewed in which he says, “Too many nonprofits are rewarded for how little they spend, not for what they get done.” To change the world through giving, he argues society should reward charities for big incentives and goals instead of overhead ratios and fundraising costs.

Dan is the author of Tuft University Press’s best-selling title, Uncharitable – How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential, and the book Charity Case: How the Nonprofit Community Can Stand Up for Itself and Really Change the World. These books will be available for purchase at the event and Dan will be present to sign them.
The event is sponsored by Grand Teton National Park Foundation, Center for the Arts, Center of Wonder, Community Foundation of Jackson Hole, National Museum of Wildlife Art, St. John’s Hospital Foundation, and Teton Science Schools.